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2011年1月6日 星期四

洛杉磯機場華人專車接送 洛杉磯一日遊~蓋蒂中心Getty Center 聯絡電話:1-626-478-6629 (Cell) JACK CHANG

藝術殿堂~~蓋蒂中心Getty Center
聯絡電話:626-478-6629 (Cell) JACK CHANG


1983年美國石油大王J. Paul Getty Trust購買了Santa Monica山眽丘陵上的750英畝土地捐款興建。翌年,由建築大師理察麥爾(Richard Mier)設計. 理察麥爾以對建築上的現代主義的貢獻揚名世界, 他把自己的代表風格與更古典的材料結合,來表現Getty先生在過去的根基以及對未來的信念。蓋蒂中心Getty Center,1997年12月公開開放給大眾免費參觀。全中心分東E、西W、南S、北N、正展覽館、研究所、古物保存研究所等七館, 每館分上層2F、廣場層PL。




Getty Center

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USGS satellite image of the Getty Center. The complex of buildings at bottom right is the Museum. In addition, "a circular building to the west of the Central Garden houses the Getty Research Institute.... Two buildings to the north and east of the Arrival Plaza house the Getty Foundation, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the J. Paul Getty Trust administration offices."[1] Microsoft Virtual Earth view of the Center at a different angle.The Getty Center, in Brentwood, Los Angeles, California, is one of two locations of the J. Paul Getty Museum. The museum's permanent collection includes "pre-20th-century European paintings, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, and decorative arts; and 19th- and 20th-century American and European photographs".[2] Among the works on display is the painting Irises by Vincent van Gogh.

The Center, which opened on December 16, 1997,[3] is also well known for its architecture, gardens, and views (overlooking Los Angeles). Besides the Museum, the Center's buildings house the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, and the administrative offices of the J. Paul Getty Trust, which owns and operates the Center.


